Waltham Forest - No Space for Hate: Stand by Me Training (M)

Date & Time:

Wednesday 16 October 2024 (18:00 - 20:30)

Tell me about future dates of this event


To be confirmed,


We want to empower individuals and communities to support and show solidarity to those affected by hate and hostility. We will do those through our Bystander Intervention training which will provide tools on how to safely intervene when an incident is taking place, making our communities a safer place for everyone.
The training will : 
A better understanding of the different levels of hate
A greater understanding of the bystander effect/why people don't intervene
Gain knowledge on the range of interventions that can be made
Improve confidence to intervene
Increase the likelihood of making an intervention

Places Available:


Further Information:


Face to Face




Shamsher Chohan

Venue Details:

To be confirmed,